10 Hashtags of a Mom with 2 kids (1 with spina bifida)

I thought it may be fun to put together a list of the hashtags that go through my head on a regular (ok maybe daily - don't judge) basis.  Haha.

10. #justask
  • I would be happy to answer any questions asked in a truthful and honest way.  Ask away!!!  Pop on over when you see us walking, introduce yourself (I like knowing who I'm sharing with), and then ask away.  We find education and interaction really helps break down walls, barriers, and stereotypes. 
9. #ididit!!
  • These are words to our ears as parents, whether typically developing or not!  For special needs parents though these words can truly pack a sweet punch as it usually takes extra time, energy, and physical therapy to hit this milestone.  Because of that every time any kid hits a new milestone it is a celebration.  And when your kid puts in YEARS of hard work just to take independent steps, you celebrate BIG TIME.  There is a lot of clapping and celebration in our house.  WOO HOO!!

8. #givemeabeer
  • Many days with two kids all I can think about is a beer with dinner.  Preferably a nice locally brewed wheat or white ale ;) 
7. #dontjudgeme
  • See above & below....it's hard being a Mom.  Let's just all love and support each other as we are doing the best jobs we know how to do.
6. #pleasestopstaring
  • This may seem a bit harsh, but I try to tell the good, bad, funny, and honest about being a parent to a kid with special needs.  Now, I know my kid is A-FREAKING-DORABLE and that she makes you want to stare. That being said, sometimes the stares are too much as we are only human.  Just being honest. What can you do?  Come on over, talk to us, wave hello!, ask questions, but please refrain from just plain old staring :)
5. #wtf
  • Sometimes I want to scream this from the rooftops.  Some days it is because my 1 year old is now climbing all over everything and I have no idea how to handle this.  (Remember my first had physical hurtles.) Some days it because I don't know how to help Olivia, and I want to with all my heart and soul.  Some days it is because having 2 kids is infinitely harder than having one.   Some days it is because I wish so badly O didn't have to face one more obstacle.  Some days it is because I do not want to do another PT session on top of everything else we have going on.  I am sure many of you can relate to this one!  Haha
4. #exhaustedbutgood
  • How I feel some days.  I have days that I am mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted.  Most days I am this exhausted though I finish the day proud, happy, and fulfilled.  Curious about how much more there is as a special needs parent, I had a previous blog post about that.

3. #icanseethelight
  • There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.  You just have to be able to see it.  Some days it comes after hours of blood, sweat, and tears.  Some days it is much easier to see.  But either way, there is always light. 
2. #proudmama
  • I am so incredibly proud of my kids and husband.  As a Mom we have the opportunity to be stressed and happy simultaneously.  I don't know if it's a blessing or curse sooooo I'm going with blessing.  Daily my emotions are all over the board but I am always proud about everything we have accomplished individually and as a family.
1. #happinessis
  • First true independent steps for your child with spina bifida at 2.5 years (using AFO's).
  • First steps for your typically developing child at 12 months.
  • Laughter when you have a family tickle fight before bed in the living room.
  • The joy your two kids have when they make each other laugh playing peek-a-boo.
  • The time and effort put in to my life and what I am getting out of it.  Some days are ROUGH.  Rougher than rough, to be honest.  But the good ones are sooooooo incredibly good.
I absolutely love this photo from our summer vacation.  It pretty much sums up my happy place :D

Thank you for reading through my list.  I would love to hear your PG rated hashtags in the comments!  Share away.

Be Happy.  Laugh.  Enjoy Chaos.
