So cute I can't STAND it!
About 2 weeks ago we went to PT with Miss Briana and she said Olivia was so close to standing on her own. At the end of each PT session we always work on standing on her own. There are 2 different ways kids with SB can learn how to stand, either by pulling up to one knee and then moving their foot up and push up that way. Second way is basically planking and then pushing up, and dragging their feet to stand (its hard - try it - I can't even do it like she does). Miss Briana said typically SB kids do the planking version, even though it is extensively harder.
Standing is a HUGE step towards freedom as you have to be able to stand up on your own to get into any sort of mobility device.
Think of it like this, the very first step you must have to get around is the ability to get in and out of … well… anything.
So last week, Russell was out in the back yard picking up doggie bits. When he turned around he found THIS!!!!
Yep - she is STANDING :) She did it a few more times with Russell watching, so that was nice of her.
One nice thing with Olivia hitting this milestone so much later in life is that she truly appreciates all the hard work to get here. Hahaha. She is constantly cheering herself on and clapping after she accomplishes this great task! And we do a LOT of cheering in the Smith house lately so she is very aware of cheering.
So initially she could only pull to stand on things about this height - 1.5' or so.
Then on Saturday without braces on (gasp!) she went right over to the couch and puuuulled herself up :)
Then I put on her braces and shoes and she did it 4 MORE TIMES! She was quite proud of herself too! Haha. Love this face. There was clapping that followed here too.
Well then, what comes next?
Next is on to the Gait Trainer and getting herself in and out.
LOOK OUT WORLD - Here comes Olivia!
Be Happy. Laugh. Enjoy Chaos.
Standing is a HUGE step towards freedom as you have to be able to stand up on your own to get into any sort of mobility device.
Think of it like this, the very first step you must have to get around is the ability to get in and out of … well… anything.
So last week, Russell was out in the back yard picking up doggie bits. When he turned around he found THIS!!!!
Yep - she is STANDING :) She did it a few more times with Russell watching, so that was nice of her.
One nice thing with Olivia hitting this milestone so much later in life is that she truly appreciates all the hard work to get here. Hahaha. She is constantly cheering herself on and clapping after she accomplishes this great task! And we do a LOT of cheering in the Smith house lately so she is very aware of cheering.
So initially she could only pull to stand on things about this height - 1.5' or so.
Then on Saturday without braces on (gasp!) she went right over to the couch and puuuulled herself up :)
Then I put on her braces and shoes and she did it 4 MORE TIMES! She was quite proud of herself too! Haha. Love this face. There was clapping that followed here too.
Well then, what comes next?
Next is on to the Gait Trainer and getting herself in and out.
LOOK OUT WORLD - Here comes Olivia!
Be Happy. Laugh. Enjoy Chaos.
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