"How Do You Do It?"

"How do you do it?" is a question both my husband and I hear a lot.  


The response I think but usually never say is "chocolate ice cream, beer, & frequent Disneyland visits." (don't judge, beer is good & Disney heals all).

The response I say out loud is "Ah, nothing anyone wouldn't do for their kiddo."  (Which is completely true! but only a partial truth.)

Truly it is a combination of the two statements.  Whether your parental support is chocolate ice cream, running/ working out, oreos (Kari, I'm looking at you), video games (my hubby), or an occasional beer (again, don't judge), I think all parents need something that takes them away from time to time.  

On the other side though, you just "do".  As a parent of any child what choice do you have really?  Your child needs Physical Therapy, whether because of SB or they broke a leg, you go to PT.   They need to see a specialist you schedule the appt and go.  They have a fever you drop everything and take care of them.

Have there been times I have gotten a laundry list of "needed appts" and asked "So, what can wait?"  ABSOLUTELY.

There was one doctor visit that we needed to schedule follow ups with every.single.freakin.doctor Olivia has.  I walked out of that Spinal Clinic and about had a break down.  It was a bit too much.  So my husband called back and asked which needed to be done ASAP and which could wait.  And the ones that could wait - WE WAITED.

I think that is also "how we do it".  We learn to prioritize.  We learn to accept the good with the bad.  And we spread the stress out so that we don't feel like the world is coming down all at the same time.  We constantly create our "new normal", so to speak.

So the next time you meet a parent that you think is doing a good job controlling the chaos and you ask them "How do you do it?" and they respond "You just do it."  Remember, they mean beer - lots and lots of beer, and probably cookies or chocolate ;)

This is my favorite beer right now, in case you are looking for a new one.  It's a delicious Hefe from a Temacula Brewing Company.  (No they are not sponsoring this post - but if they want to……..)

Be Happy.  Laugh.  Enjoy Chaos. 
