PT Update 07/12/2014

The Smith House has been busy!  Sorry for the lack of updates.

Well, so where are we?  In just 17 days we have a 1 year old on our hands!  How crazy is that?!

We have her first birthday party scheduled - but truly, what do you do at a 1 year old's party where mostly adults will be participating???  Haha.  Trying to figure that out now.  I am thinking booze, food and dessert……..

We bought her this ADORABLE shirt on the Carter's online store.  It makes me happy.

On to the PT update -

Since May we have been working hard with our PT, Miss Brianna.  Olivia loves her and really responds to our PT, so we are moving in a good direction.

Some of you may have seen the photo of little Miss STANDING!  That was a huge accomplishment.  Funny enough, standing has been a much easier accomplishment than crawling.

Every time we get her in any sort of good position to crawl on her stomach she rolls over to her back.  Her lack of developed glut & hamstring muscles make crawling considerably difficult and a task she just has no desire to master.  We put toys way out of reach, she tries, she streeeetches, she just stops trying and rolls on her back and talks to herself, haha.

Then we tried to focus on her sitting up, by rolling to her side and puuuuushing up with her two hands. (AKA the much easier way!) The important part of rolling to her side to push up is trunk (torso/ abs) rotation.  Apparently sitting up is also on the back burner to Olivia.  She has shown us that she has mastered trunk rotation through other methods though - playing, twisting, turning - so, in partnership with her PT, have decided to stop trying to force sitting up to the side.

She really wants to sit straight up but obviously that is exceedingly hard.  (I think it's the stubborn streak in her….. wonder where she gets that???  Neither Russell or myself - never!  Haha)  So we are going to start helping her do more sit ups/ crunches to develop her abs so she can do what she wants to do, sit straight up.  Once she learns her feet can be used as leverage I think she will be a powerhouse :)

- Doesn't care about crawling - targeting standing/ kneeling instead
- Doesn't care about sitting up sideways (the easy way) - targeting sitting straight up by developing ab muscles
- Excited to be 1 year old in just a few weeks ;)

Thanks for catching up with us!

Can't wait to share her first birthday update with you all!

Be Happy.  Laugh.  Enjoy Chaos. 
