Be The Change

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
- Mahatma Gandhi

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
― Margaret Mead

I truly believe anyone can change the world and little Miss Olivia is on her way!

As I was reading through all the wonderful messages left for us regarding this blog I realized how blessed we are for all the amazing support we have received since finding out Livie has Spina Bifida.  I can't help but think how this may have been different 50, 25 or even just 10 years ago.  Thank you for listening and continually being compassionate and supportive!

Our goal has always been to help raise awareness, share our story and hopefully help change people's minds about what it means to seem "different".

  • If we change one person's mind on how to view people with a visual difference, then we have succeeded.
  • If one person looks at someone in a wheelchair and thinks "I wonder why they are in a wheelchair" rather than being scared and thinking "Cripple", "Handicap", "Retard" or avoiding eye contact, then we have succeeded. (As a side note, most people with a visual difference will be happy to answer questions if you ask politely!  You always want to read the situation but asking with interest, compassion & respect will get you more information most times.)
  • If we educate one person on not only the scary side of SB but also the inspirational, then we have succeeded.
  • If one mother gets the diagnosis and thinks about the positive aspects of her baby's future rather than just the condition itself, then we have succeeded.  
  • If we encourage one woman to think about taking extra folic acid or start taking prenatals earlier, then we have succeeded.

I am so very proud of everything we have already accomplished by sharing our story and each of you hearing it.  Thank you for listening and being open to everything we share!  We love you all!

I encourage you to be the change for something you truly being in!  Use information, compassion (and Olivia says a touch of adorable!) to help educate and change minds :) 

